Before you begin applying for scholarships, it is important to know that there are important documents required for scholarship applications. Whether you are applying for an undergraduate scholarship or a postgraduate scholarship in your country or abroad, these documents will be a determining factor to decide if you are eligible for the scholarship or not.


In scholarship applications, you must start making preparations way ahead before the applications begin. This will enable you to have the time to prepare and submit a first-class application. Additionally, scholarship applications can be overwhelming. The best way to avoid the tensions that come with it is to prepare early.


It is important to you understand the basic documents required for scholarship applications. These documents vary slightly based on the degree you are applying for (Undergraduate or Postgraduate) or the country you are applying to (Home-based or abroad).


In this piece, I will be sharing with you the documents required for scholarship applications of any form you wish to apply for. Ensure you read carefully to the end to avoid missing any detail.



Documents required for applying for a Scholarship Abroad

  1. Scholarship application form

    This is the most important document. Without this, you cannot make any application. Most times, you get this form online on the scholarship body’s website. You should ensure you fill out this form efficiently before submission.

  2. International Passport

    This is a must-have before you leave a particular country. You should ensure your passport has not expired at the time of making your application. Additionally, your international passport will be needed to process a student visa. Without a student visa, you cannot be allowed to board a flight to study abroad.

  3. Academic Transcript

    This is a requirement for only those applying for a postgraduate degree. It includes your results, courses and all the grades you had in your Bachelor’s degree. Without this, you will not be qualified for any scholarship. You can get this by applying to the University you graduated from and requesting it.

  4. WAEC Result

    This is a requirement for those applying for an undergraduate degree (Bachelor’s degree). You should ensure you use the original result. This serves as proof of your completion of the secondary school education.

  5. English Proficiency Letter

    This document is needed if you are looking to gain a scholarship in an English-speaking country. It tests your ability to speak, write and understand English. This test is required to ensure you can thrive in the learning environment where English is used. You can take either the IELTS (International English Testing System) or TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language). Additionally, some scholarship applications give alternatives in place of the English test. You should make research on the scholarship website to find out the alternatives.

  6. Curriculum Vitae(CV)

    This document gives details about your academic and professional life. However, CVs are mostly required from Postgraduate applicants.

  7. Statement of Purpose

    The statement of purpose is an essay explaining why you took up your course on interest. This is a major factor in getting a scholarship. Whether you are applying for a postgraduate scholarship or undergraduate scholarship, you should prepare to write strong reasons convincing the scholarship body.

  8. Recommendation or Reference Letter

    This a letter written by an authority such as your teachers, lecturers or a professional endorsing your skills, experiences, accomplishment or character as the case may be. You may be required to submit two(2) or three(3) letters from different people depending on the scholarship.


Documents Required for Applying for a Scholarship in Nigeria

  1. School Identity Card

    This is often required from undergraduate applicants. You are required to submit your school’s identity card if you have gained admission into a university already.

  2. WAEC results

    This is an important document both for Postgraduate applicants and Undergraduate applicants. You should submit the original copy, which is usually scanned. This is proof that you completed your secondary education. Additionally, people with good grades usually have a higher advantage during the selection process.

  3. Admission letter

    Some scholarship bodies require that you have gained admission before making an application. You should submit your admission letter, preferably from JAMB if you are a postgraduate applicant.

  4. First Degree Certificate

    This is a major requirement for Postgraduate applicants. You should submit your bachelor’s degree or Diploma degree. This is proof of undergoing a first degree before applying for a Masters’s or PhD.

  5. NYSC Discharge

    After your Bachelor’s program, it is expected that you embark on NYSC. So, this is a required document for making scholarship applications in Nigeria. You either submit your NYSC discharge certificate or an exemption letter from NYSC.

  6. Birth Certificate

    Scholarship bodies with age limitations must require this document. You should submit your birth certificate as it is required to verify if you are eligible for a scholarship or not.

  7. Local Government Origin Certificate

    This certificate is proof that you are a Nigerian. It is a means of identification which is compulsory.

  8. Passport

    A passport photograph is important for the application process as well. You should pay attention to details such as the background, size and age of the passport before you submit it. Some scholarship bodies emphasize submitting a recent passport.

  9. Master’s Degree

    This is a requirement for PhD applicants. It is proof that you have completed your Master’s degree and qualify for a scholarship.


It is important to ensure that all your documents have the same name and name arrangements. For example; if your name is Yusuf Chioma Bayo, these should be the same arrangements with all your documents. This is very important to the scholarship applications. You should not wait till the scholarships are open before you start getting your documents ready. The best time to prepare is before you start applying. This enables you to avoid tensions and rush-hour submissions. You should also make sure you submit your applications on time. The earlier, the better.


Good luck.



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