Pursuing a career as a trichologist will give you skills and knowledge to specialise in hair and scalp health. A trichologist examines a client’s hair and scalp, discusses their diet and lifestyle, suggests treatments and offers advice for general care. They help clients with issues such as hair loss or scalp psoriasis. Trichologists are not doctors. However, they have an in-depth knowledge of hair and scalp anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Generally, they specialise in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of hair and scalp conditions, particularly hair loss.

In this piece, I will walk you through the steps and requirements to pursue a career as a trichologist.

Steps to Start a Career as a Trichologist

  1. Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree

    This is the first step to pursuing a career as a trichologist. You have to apply to an accredited university to obtain a bachelor’s degree. Trichologists are required to have a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as biology, or chemistry. Additionally, you can pursue a career as a trichologist if you have a degree in cosmetology or nursing.

  2. Attend Specialized Training

    As a trichologist, you need to undergo specialised training and gain certifications in this field. This training focuses on hair and scalp anatomy, physiology and pathology. Additionally, you will be able to gain hands-on training and access to mentorship from professionals.

  3. Gain Work Experiences

    You must get hands-on experience after you have completed your bachelor’s degree and specialised training. This can be done through means such as internships, volunteer work, or employment in hospitals, clinics, or a salon.

  4. Pursue Advanced Degrees

    You can consider getting advanced degrees such as master’s or doctorate degrees. These degrees will allow you to upgrade your career and have access to better opportunities. Additionally, you will be able to gain advanced knowledge to specialise in various fields of trichology. If you are also interested in working in academia, you need to acquire a doctorate.

  5. Develop Relevant Skills

    You need to develop skills that are relevant to have as a trichologist. This should include soft skills as well as hard skills. These skills can be useful because many roles as a trichologist require you to utilise these skills for the success of your career.

  6. Choose an Area of Specialisation

    You can have a particular area or field to specialise in trichology. This is important as it can enable you to channel your focus and knowledge to a niche. Additionally, you can gain expertise in that field and relevance in your industry.

  7. Join a Professional Association

    You should register and join professional associations relevant to your career. This can enable you to have access to career opportunities. Additionally, you can network with professionals and colleagues which can be an advantage in your career journey

Types of Trichologists

  1. Medical Trichologist

    A medical trichologist is a dermatologist or general practitioner who has completed further trichology training. They have medical training and can diagnose and treat hair and scalp diseases using medical terminology, such as prescribing drugs or performing operations.

  2. Trichology Consultant

    Trichology consultants offer direction, counsel, and assistance to people looking for answers regarding issues related to their hair and scalp.

  3. Certified Trichologist

    A trained trichologist holds accreditation from an established trichology association or organization after completing an official training program. They have an extensive understanding of hair and scalp disorders which enables them to offer assessments, suggestions, and non-pharmaceutical interventions.

  4. Holistic Trichologist

    Holistic trichologist address hair and scalp health from a holistic standpoint, accounting for physical, psychological, and lifestyle factors that can exacerbate scalp diseases or lead to hair loss.

Universities in Africa to Obtain a Science Degree

  1. University of Cape Town, South Africa
  2. Alexandria University, Egypt
  3. University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  4. Cairo University, Egypt
  5. University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
  6. Bells University of Technology, Nigeria
  7. Mansoura University, Egypt
  8. University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  9. Tanta University, Egypt
  10. University of Lagos, Nigeria
  11. Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria
  12. University of Pretoria, South Africa
  13. Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
  14. University of Monastir, Tunisia
  15. Covenant University, Nigeria
  16. University of Nigeria, Nigeria
  17. Ain Shams University, Egypt
  18. University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  19. Assiut University, Egypt
  20. University of Benin, Nigeria

Pursuing a career as a trichologist will launch you into a promising career that is expected to grow in demand over the coming years. You will gain knowledge in biology and medicine that will allow you to contribute to the development of treatment and medicine. Additionally, you will be able to perform scientific research to identify diseases relating to hair and scalp and improve human health overall. However, you need to take the right steps to acquire the needed skills and knowledge to succeed in this career.

Good luck!

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